Together we form a church as the Master desires...

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The virulent Covid19 Pandemic situation that we are all in makes it really challenging to plan for the preparation and celebration of the sacraments. Having said that, we will do whatever we can to help our children experience and receive the Lord in these two wonderful sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. We encourage all our parents to visit as a resource. Our parish has a subscription to this service, so it is free access to every family and individuals in our community.

Where to start?

1) Go to FORMED and sign up as a parishioner

2) Find your parish - St. Josephine Bakhita Parish

3) Provide your NAME AND AND EMAIL ADDRESS. If this is your first time to access the site, check your email for confirmation.

4) At the top of the screen, look for THE SACRAMENTS, scroll down and see two resources on Signs of Grace: For Reconciliation (You are forgiven) and for the Eucharist (Your are Loved). We encourage you to watch with your child two videos per week beginning with "You are Forgive: Episode 1). There are seven videos under this section.

5) Once the children are back in School, we will be sending an invitation to the children to attend two gatherings at the church. Please ensure that we have your correct email information so we can notify you when these gatherings will be held.

The First Reconciliation Celebration is scheduled for April 4 to 8 (Monday to Friday) starting at 4 PM. We will divide our children into groups of 20 to 25. Cecilia Vaz, our Sacramental Coordinator will be sending your an email to indicate the date in which your child will come for his/her First Reconciliation.

6) Immediately following First Reconciliation, please watch with your child the videos under the section "You are Loved". There are eight vides. We suggest two videos per week.

7) The best way of helping your child to prepare for his/her First Eucharist is to attend regular Sunday Mass as a family.

8) We are hoping to have gatherings for First Communion at the church, now that many restrictions hare been lifted. An email will be sent to you to inform you of the dates.

First Holy Communion Celebration

  • May 7 at 10 AM St. Simon Stock School and St. Edith Stein School
  • May 7 at 12 noon St. Faustina School and RCIC Class
  • May 14 at 10 AM St. Bernard School (First Group)
  • May 14 at 12 Noon St. Bernard School (Second Group)

Please note that the above dates are subject to change in the event of a lockdown or reduction of the number of people permitted inside the church. More details will be provided closer to the date. As of today, March 1, 2022 we are 100% capacity. This is good news! However, please continue to pray that we will be completely out of the pandemic soon. We will keep you updated if there are any changes.

Parents who wish to have their children receive First Communion at a later date during the year should inform the parish office of their intention. Thank you.